The Sound of Trash examines the sounds and aesthetic qualities of waste,
turning discarded materials into creative inspiration. Using animated notation
and sound synthesis, the piece encourages listeners to view trash not as useless
leftovers but as active elements in an abstract soundscape.
With SuperCollider, the work creates synthetic sounds that imitate the
unpredictable and chaotic noises of trash, such as the rustling of paper
and the clanging of metal objects.
Composer, and visual artist: Ali Balighi
Youtube link: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDToNWrAB3o"
// Specify the audio device
s.options.inDevice = "Scarlett 18i20 USB";
s.options.outDevice = "Soundflower (2ch)";
// Define the sound process as a SynthDef
SynthDef(\micDelayReverb, {
var mic, delayTime, delaySig, pitchShift1, pitchShift2, pitchShift3, pitchShift4, combinedPitchShift, reverb;
// Capture microphone input
mic = SoundIn.ar(0);
// Random delay time between 3 and 10 seconds
delayTime = LFNoise1.kr(1).exprange(3, 10);
delaySig = DelayN.ar(mic, delayTime, delayTime);
// Define multiple pitch shifts with different pitch ratios
pitchShift1 = Select.ar(LFNoise1.kr(1).range(0, 2).round, [
PitchShift.ar(delaySig, pitchRatio: 1.0), // Repeat the same pitch
PitchShift.ar(delaySig, pitchRatio: 1.2), // Slightly higher
PitchShift.ar(delaySig, pitchRatio: 0.8) // Slightly lower
pitchShift2 = Select.ar(LFNoise1.kr(1.5).range(0, 2).round, [
PitchShift.ar(delaySig, pitchRatio: 1.3), // Lower pitch
PitchShift.ar(delaySig, pitchRatio: 0.5), // Higher pitch
PitchShift.ar(delaySig, pitchRatio: 1.1) // Very low pitch
pitchShift3 = Select.ar(LFNoise1.kr(0.5).range(0, 2).round, [
PitchShift.ar(delaySig, pitchRatio: 0.6), // One octave up
PitchShift.ar(delaySig, pitchRatio: 1.2), // One octave down
PitchShift.ar(delaySig, pitchRatio: 0.3) // Moderate upward shift
pitchShift4 = Select.ar(LFNoise1.kr(0.75).range(0, 2).round, [
PitchShift.ar(delaySig, pitchRatio: 1.2), // Lower pitch
PitchShift.ar(delaySig, pitchRatio: 0.4), // Higher pitch
PitchShift.ar(delaySig, pitchRatio: 0.9) // Slight downward shift
// Combine the pitch-shifted signals
combinedPitchShift = Mix([pitchShift1, pitchShift2, pitchShift3, pitchShift4]);
// Add panning with slow oscillation and apply reverb
reverb = FreeVerb.ar(Pan2.ar(combinedPitchShift, SinOsc.kr(0.25), 0.2), mix: 0.3, room: 0.7, damp: 0.5);
// Output the final sound to stereo channels
Out.ar(0, reverb ! 2);
// Play the Synth after the server is booted
s.waitForBoot {